Во- вторых! Некто совратил меня вчера на анимашки и вышло нечто такое
В третьих! Ко второй из них добавили добрые товарищи на тумблере драббл О_О
“She’d make a wonderful conquest!” Vastra calls out.
“Ma’am!” Jenny is reproachful, and Vastra smiles indulgently at her. She smiles at Jenny more then anyone else, H.G has noticed, and she is freer with Jenny then with anyone else; it is heartwarming, and makes H.G long for something so…freeing. “But I must agree with her,” Jenny adds, “She is rather remarkable!”
H.G laughs at them and turns to the brunette walking away. She always has so preferred darker haired women.
Вот как-то так Оо.
Так вот как вы выглядите жители ау Лондона ,да!