01.12.2013 в 17:19
Пишет  oh, captain:

01.12.2013 в 00:02
Пишет  ragged edge:

и пока моя семья упарывается и пьет, а я скучаю, флэшмоб!

вы мне пейринг - желательно ОТП - а я вам ответы на вопросы:

1. who cooks normally?
2. how often do they fight?
3. what do they do when they’re away from each other?
4. nicknames for each other?
5. who is more likely to pay for dinner?
6. who steals the covers at night?
7. what would they get each other for gifts?
8. who kissed who first?
9. who made the first move?
10. who remembers things?
11. who started the relationship?
12. who cusses more?
13. what would they do if the other one was hurt?

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