Black is the colour of my true love's hair....
River: I don’t understand…”regenerate”?
Doctor: Fancy word, don’t worry about it. All you need to know is that I can change my appearance, if I come close to death.
River: Like a chameleon?
Doctor: Hmm…no. Not…nothing like a lizard, no.
River: But you change your appearance, yes?
Doctor: Okay, this is it. I can’t explain it any other way (you would have to see it to understand completely). If and when I ever am about to die, I can “regenerate”-
River: (laughs) Fancy word!
Doctor: (continues as though he was not interrupted) -and change my entire person, become a new man, same memories, and keep on living.
River: What…new man?
Doctor: (shakes his head) Nope. Never mind. Just ignore me. It won’t even happen soon…I hope…jinxing doesn’t happen in reality. (pause) Or does it?
River: A new man? You mean you’ll look different? Different hair, different…nose…chin?
Doctor: What’s wrong with my chin?
River: (shrugs shoulders unconvincingly) Nothing, sweetie. But it’ll be changed, right? Like, a rebirth. Only you’ll still be very old.
Doctor: (laughs gleefully) Timelord!
River: But you’ll look young, yeah?
Doctor: Oh, sometimes. (points to himself) This was not my doing. I didn’t mean to look young. Whenever I change, I sort of go wherever it takes me. I can be old, young, British-
River: I hope you turn into an old man. (smirks) There’d be a lot less running.
Doctor: What?
какие лапки! teenage!Ривер нравится мне все больше и больше)